Sunday Highlight: December 3, 2023
Today, let’s pray for two of our missionaries serving in Israel. We’ll call them Ben and Christy. One day, they went into a small coffee shop in Jerusalem, mostly to talk about the news Christy had just gotten — her mother back in the States was dying. Despite her grief, she and Ben also talked with José, the Hispanic man running the shop. He and his wife, Juanita, are Hispanic Jews who had settled in Jerusalem. That coffee time led Ben and Christy to become friends with José and Juanita. Ben and Christy spoke often of their faith in Jesus and shared Bible stories. When Christy’s Mom died, she and Ben went to States for the funeral. They soon returned to the coffee shop to talk.
José saw their Christian faith in action. He told them, “I want the peace you have! I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for my sins and rose again!” José and his wife went through many changes, but later Juanita also became a follower of Christ. Over time, their son and others in the family also came to faith in Christ.
Our church supports Ben and Christy through our Cooperative Program giving. It is great that, even in a time of grief, they were able to share their faith! Let’s pray for them now.
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