Sunday Highlight: November 16, 2025
In our church, we often talk about people who are called to the mission field.
Today, let’s see how strong that calling was for two of our missionaries, Chad and Miriam Pumpelly.
Chad and Miriam grew up as missionary kids in Africa; they met while attending high school in Kenya.
After seminary, they went back to Africa. They served first in Malawi (say mah-LAH-wee) and then in Kenya.
But years later, one of their four children had serious problems because of his autism. Chad and Miriam returned to the States, whereChad served as a pastor in Ohio.
More time passed, the children grew. Their autistic son became able to make his own way. One daughter married.
Soon after this, God let them know it was time to return to Africa.
Now they are back in Kenya, training Christians there to reach people for Christ and plant new churches.
Let’s thank the Lord for Chad and Miriam who were obedient to go overseas when the Lord called them to go — twice! Our church is supporting them through the Cooperative Program as they serve in Kenya.
Let’s pray now for Chad and Miriam as they help reach Kenya for Christ.
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