Sunday Highlight: July 20, 2025
Today let’s focus our prayers on Sterling, Virginia. That’s just 30 miles northwest of the White House in Washington, DC.
It’s essentially part of Greater Washington. But right now let’s focus on the thousands of Hispanics from Latin America who have settled in Sterling and Loudon County. It’s a prosperous area with high-paying jobs.
That’s why our church is happy that our Cooperative Program giving helps support two missionaries in Sterling to reach those Hispanics for Christ.
They are Jefferson and Carol Hernández.
Jefferson arrived from Colombia, South America, where he was a cocaine-selling drug dealer. But he and Carol learned of Jesus in a D.C. area church. Their new calling: To make Jesus known.
Four years ago they planted Iglesia Bíblica Campo Blanco (The English translation would be White Fields Baptist Church). The name is based on the words of Jesus in John 4 about the many lost people who need the gospel.
Campo Blanco meets in the fellowship hall of another church, but they are preparing to plant a second church!
Let’s pray for Jefferson and Carol and their three kids. Let’s pray the second church will grow quickly too!
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