Sunday Highlight: May 18, 2025
Let’s get started with our missions prayer time. We know that Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is a big city with more than six million people in the metro area and lots of big city problems.
But Philadelphia’s biggest problem is lostness. Hundreds of new churches are needed to reach lost people here!
Noelson and Edna Chery are two of our missionaries serving in Lansdowne, part of Greater Philadelphia. That’s about eight miles from the Liberty Bell downtown. Noelson and Edna were born in Haiti, but have lived in the United States for many years. Noelson teaches French and Spanish at a local university.
They are reaching Haitians in Lansdowne — especially younger Haitians. People from Haiti speak Haitian Creole, which is based on French. Most Haitian churches use Creole. But younger Haitians have grown up speaking English and don’t speak Creole.
Noelson and Edna planted the First Haitian Metanoia Baptist Church to reach those young Haitian English speakers. They meet in a karate school on Baltimore Avenue.
Through the Cooperative Program, our church is helping support Noelson and Edna as they reach out to those young Haitians and make them part of that new church.
Let’s pray for them now.
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